Digital Artwork
Isometric Environment
2021, Digital, Photoshop
This project was part of a series of perspective practices and exploration for my Inventing Environments class. You can see the various stages of development from sketch to values to simple color and finally detailed color. I chose to do a swamp environment for most of the projects in this class in order to explore different ways of depicting the same environment.

Two-point Perspective Environment
2021, Digital, Photoshop
This is another perspective study done in my Inventing Environments class. As I mentioned above, I chose the same swampy environment throughout this class in order to explore different ways of depicting the same place. This layout shows my original concepts in value scale, then color studies, and finally the detailed finished drawing.

"Corpus Factory"
2021, Digital, Photoshop
This piece was the final environment for my Inventing Environments class. I decided to be bolder with this project by including strong saturated colors and high contrast. This factory scene is inspired by an environment in the game "Warframe".

2020, Digital, Photoshop
This piece is a re-do of an older digital piece of mine from a few years ago. It's supposed to have a very psychedelic feel. I had made it as an album cover for my dad. I call this piece "Venus" as a reference to the Roman goddess of sex, love, and beauty, as well as Venus as a reference to the actual planet. This piece was my first time digitally painting skin and creating a realistic render of a human entirely from scratch.

Shark Finning
2019, Digital, Photoshop
I made this piece as a social issues project for one of my classes. The aim of the project was to spread awareness about a social issue that we are passionate about. I chose to address the practice of finning sharks to obtain the key ingredient of shark fin soup. Because of this horrible practice, sharks as an entire species are rapidly declining at a rate that is faster than they can reproduce or adapt. This piece was chosen by my professor to be archived in the Savannah College of Art and Design Archives and Catalog.

"Moon Gazing"
2018, Digital, Photoshop
This was one of my first pieces of digitally-manipulated photography.